Knew Shews
Hit a BIG sale at Dillards and got this lovely bunch o coconuts
THREE pairs of the same shoe?????? Hardly there are THREE different colors: black, cordovan and brown--The box says $44.50, but the SALE was 30% off that........ whoooooo hooooooooooIn this pic I think they look like a nest of birds--baby SHOE birds, just waiting for a pair of feet--MY feet . . . . ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Taking pictures of my shoes is NOT as weird as it may seem, if indeed it seems weird. It just so happened that I had just charged the battery in my Canon D10 (or is it 10D?) and it was on the bed with my shoes. So, what would you do?? Exactly, you'd take a picture too. You probably wouldn't have grabbed the ol' Pentax SLR loaded with B&W film and shot some with that camera too. That would be weird. . . . I might post those when I develop the film.