Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Indeed I can hold a camera!

The bike race was pretty much a bust. My son had the flu this week, so he withdrew about 20 minutes into the race. He rode at the front--in the top 3 or 4 as long as he stayed in. I didn't get any good pics of him 'cause he always seemed to be shielded by other riders. But, I was able to hold the camera and got some decent photos of the race, even if they didn't include him. AND, my "new" used digital slr got better shots than I've been able to manage in 4 years of shooting film at races, so I'm sold on it for that purpose. That's my boy in front of the "bike race" sign--a little cropping may make that worthwhile.

Here he is flanked by his teammates--I've got a million of these, several hundred thousand, anyway!
This weekend -- MORE racing, and natrually, more photo opps--we travel to Arkansas for Hell's Kitchen Race--how inviting!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Knitting after hand surgery

All of the pre-surgery apprehension was COMPLETELY wasted.

I had my surgery at 11:30 on Wednesday and was knitting on Friday morning! I knit continental so, holding the needle with my "damaged" right hand was easy--knitting and purling were absolutely no problem. Knit 2 together was more difficult because of the extra strain, but not impossible. I finished my dishcloth KAL and screwed up the pattern, so I did another one--both completed by Saturday at 9:30 am--AND I slept ALL day Thursday (good meds) AND went to a soccer game on Friday night (we won!!!).

Sooooo, If you are someone who knits, and who needs to have carpal tunnel surgery, and who happens to somehow stumble upon my obscure and largely unread blog--I'm here to tell you to FEAR NOT. I am really surprised by how much it DOESN'T hurt. I was through with the pain meds by noon Thursday. I'm the worlds BIGGEST baby so, I'm not gutting it out.

Now I'm off to so some more knittin' . . . . AFTER I go watch my son in the first bike race of the season--sucks I can't hold my camera . . . or Can I???????

Friday, March 9, 2007

Carpal Tunnel Surgery :( or :)

After MONThS of numb-sleepy fingers and hand pain, I saw a hand surgeon to have him diagnose what I knew was a fairly severe case of carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand. And, after having a nerve conduction study--a lovely experiment with electric shocks and needles (sounds WAy worse than it was), I had my diagnosis and a recommendation for <<<<>>>>> surgery. I had the surgery done on Wednesday (3/7) and here I am on Friday, off the pain meds and typing a little better than hunt and peck . . . . AND I discovered I CAN KNIT.. .. sloooooowlllllly

Dr. said I have to exercise my fingers--So, I am. I won't say it doesn't hurt--it does . . . some, but then my right hand aways hurt, this ouch is just a little different and not at all unmanagable I'd say it is not as bad as playing soccer on a sprained ankle, or riding a bike with a miserable saddle sore--which are things I've done willingly and against the advice of others who think they know more than me.

So, with all the wisdom of one who is a day and a half post-op, I can say that the apprehension of the surgery was the worst part BY FAR. AND I can honestly share that I didn't exactly dig laying there feeling the dr. tease open my ligament with a knife.(local anesthetic--didn't hurt--but you DO feel stuff). However, if the first two days is the worst--the apprehension was completely wasted--this is easy!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Knew Shews

Hit a BIG sale at Dillards and got this lovely bunch o coconuts

THREE pairs of the same shoe?????? Hardly there are THREE different colors: black, cordovan and brown--The box says $44.50, but the SALE was 30% off that........ whoooooo hoooooooooo

In this pic I think they look like a nest of birds--baby SHOE birds, just waiting for a pair of feet--MY feet . . . . ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Taking pictures of my shoes is NOT as weird as it may seem, if indeed it seems weird. It just so happened that I had just charged the battery in my Canon D10 (or is it 10D?) and it was on the bed with my shoes. So, what would you do?? Exactly, you'd take a picture too. You probably wouldn't have grabbed the ol' Pentax SLR loaded with B&W film and shot some with that camera too. That would be weird. . . . I might post those when I develop the film.

My Tattoo

My Tattoo
A bike chain tattoo, that is It's chain lube ya know