Monday, May 18, 2009


....................................and recipes

Since the kids have left home, weekends are enjoyable, but they don’t usually involve the type of frenetic activity we had with soccer games/tournaments overlapping with bike rides/races, and parties, etc. I miss that–a lot. For me, the recipe for a really great weekend involves doing a gob of unrelated activities. This weekend, for example, was GREAT.

Friday night I made two new recipes (savory cakes) to take to the Tulsa Handspinners meeting to share. One contained ham, emmentaler (swiss) cheese, and olives, the other had onions and emmentaler cheese. New recipes often sound better than they taste. These were delicious spread with cream cheese. AND, I finished warping up both looms. (both?? looms?? yes, more on that in a later post).

Saturday morning I went to the Handspinners meeting, spun yarns of the spoken and wool variety, got to try spinning cotton with a charkha which is the device Ghandi promoted as a means of self-sufficiency in India, and got some seeds for green, brown and plain ol’ white cotton. (to

grow???? we’ll see).

THEN, I rushed home to change into light colored clothes, grab my camera(s) in order to meet Kelly in Turley to visit Carl’s bee yard. Carl seems to be the go-to BEE-guy for equipment, fast advice and common sense concerning bees. Carl invites the bee club (NEOBA) membership on excursions in his apiary (bee yard). We got to see Carl open up five different hives, we saw a number of queens, and other bee stuff which we found interesting and which I’ll share through the mystery of photography.

Kelly & Carl approach the bee yard.

The Bee yard.

Can you find the queen??? Can you see the honey?? Can you you see the pollen??? Can you tell me why the font just randomly changed or why I can't seem to change it back???

AFTERWARD, Kelly and I stopped downtown to take in the Blue Dome Art Festival, the FOAM (fellowship of okla
homa ale makers) booth and the art car exhibit in particular.

My favorite art car was--the camera car, of course.

Not long after we finally found ourselves at home Alex arrived with his stuff to stay for the summer. YEA!!

On Sunday I got up early and got myself to the Castle at Muskogee to enjoy the day by

demonstrating handspinning, people watching and wandering around. Liz, one of my knit night friends, is a regular at the RennFaire. She stopped by to visit, we wandered around together, bought a glass of blackberry/honey mead (yum!), and I got this photo of her. (except for an adorable 3 year old--she was the cutest one there).

At the castle, the spinners share the barracks with these guys who kept clubbing each other with weapons.

and the gypsies had an enormous inkle loom that produced 80 feet of inkle band


Anonymous said...

What a fantabulous weekend - love your photography. I'm pretty sure I passed the bee quiz but can't help on the miracle-changing font. I have no idea what you're talking about regarding the spinning but it all looks like great fun.


Marianne said...

Wow, what a weekend!
Great photo of Liz, manOman, she looks great, we could talk past lives here. :^)

My Tattoo

My Tattoo
A bike chain tattoo, that is It's chain lube ya know